What is the Best Tablet for Classroom Kids

 When I was young, all I had was a green-and-black-screened Game Boy. Kids today are different: they want the best tablet for classroom kids that can play games, watch videos, and read comic books. But that’s okay because there are quite a few solid, affordable tablets designed just for kids.

Unfortunately, it can be hard to wade through all the garbage that's out there. There are a lot of companies selling old, underpowered, or overly locked-down devices that just won’t cut it, so you have to be careful when shopping for your little one.

In most cases, it’s best to stick with the big names: the same brands you’d buy from if you were looking for a regular tablet. In fact, you could just buy them a normal Android tablet and use its built-in parental controls. 

But for this list, we're going to look at mostly kid-focused tablets and a few full-featured slates for those that are a little more grown-up. Here are the best tablet for classroom kids.


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